On the writer’s site Authonomy, a Harper Collins site, we have a forum called DOWNUNDER WRITERS OF DISTINCTION. We are all Australian or New Zealand authors. The father of our forum is Ken Blowers, now over 80 years old, and a wonderful, kind man, full of the wisdom that can only come with age and experience. Let me tell you something about Ken.

Ken Blowers is a ‘Queensland Senior’ writer of short stories and one-act plays. He was born in 1934, the youngest of seven children in the small fishing port of Lowestoft, Suffolk, England. His father died in 1939 when he was only 5. As a 6 year old he suffered the trauma of enforced evacuation from a coastal area threatened by enemy invasion. He returned home a year later to face the rigors of heavy enemy bombing. On leaving school at the age of 15 in 1949, Ken became an apprentice coachbuilder – at that time a woodworking trade! He was made redundant  immediately on completion of his apprenticeship at the age of 21. Thereafter he engaged in a variety of employment spheres to support his young wife and two children: He became a fitter, car salesman, electrical salesman, postman, insurance agent, factory manager, shopkeeper, and barman.

Disillusioned with his employment prospects and looking for a new start, he applied, through Australia House in London, for enlistment in the Royal Australian Air Force. He signed up on a Wednesday afternoon, flew out on the Thursday, and arrived in Australia on the Saturday (27 November 1965) which, he has been known to say, demonstrates how desperately Australia needed him!

Having enlisted as a clerk he quickly taught himself to type so he could move to a higher pay level! Having had no formal education  at all, he enrolled in the Victorian Correspondence School (for kids in the bush!) and after attaining matriculation standard, he eventually become a commissioned officer.

In 1985, at the age of 51 and after 20 years Air Force service, he retired with the rank of Squadron Leader.

Ken and his wife Jean lived on a 28 acre property, where he bought and built a steel-framed home, overlooking the valley. In 1992 the author and his wife moved from NSW to Queensland to be closer to their two daughters and their three grandchildren.

Interestingly, it was their happy experiences together in their local U3A play-reading classes that encouraged him to take up the pen! He has since become a prolific writer of 1,000 daily quotations, 48 short stories, and 40 one-act plays.

He now lives in Mitchelton, a north-west suburb of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia .

Recently Ken has been suffering from the effects of Old Age, and, because we love him we decided to ensure that his many words of wisdom and encouragement are not lost to the world. We have taken 1000 of his quotes and begun to create several volumes for you to read, use, and perhaps pass on to others who might benefit from what Ken Blowers has had to say over a long and eventful life. Book-shelf-PPT-Background-680x510

On our facebook pages you will see some of Ken Blowers quotes. In the bottom corner, his little logo. So, while we have not done so in the first (or any subsequent volumes) of the book, I have hyperlinked the logo to bring you to this blog to learn a little more about an amazing man. Also in the hope that you will be moved enough to invest a tiny amount of money ($2.99) to purchase this first volume.

By all means share your favourite quote. Credit Ken if you wish, but most importantly it would be amazing if you bought the first volume. Share it by all means, but credit it to Ken.

Finally, I want to say something about Alzheimer’s disease. Every last one of us will know, or have personal experience with Alzheimer’s. It may begin with something simple like forgetting your car keys. In its final stages the heartbreak of not knowing, or recognizing your own husband, wife, children or relatives. If you don’t buy the book, then please consider donating to your local research into Alzheimer’s. You will most likely be doing yourself a favour too. If you buy the book, then you will also be donating in a small way to the welfare of at least one person. The community “Downunder Writers of Distinction” to whom Ken Blowers is the father figure will continue to create and preserve the unique wisdom of a wonderful man.

#Comments (4)

  • April 20, 2013
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    I quite like reading a post that will make people think.
    Also, thanks for allowing for me to comment!

  • September 21, 2013
    Paul Slater

    Nice to see my uncle is so respected . I was searching to try and add my uncle Ken or aunt Jean via Facebook so that they may see pictures of my sons Liam and Sean ( their great. Nephews on Facebook ) as a pick me up for the two of them . visited and stayed with them,Sandy and Gus in Balikera ? Some years back now . They are well worth the respect . Paul R Slater , Yorkshire , England .

  • September 22, 2013

    @ Paul Slater. Thank you for your comment Paul. I know Ken is now suffering from the effects of Alzeimers, and it is a difficult illness to cope with. Ken will deal with that challenge with the courage and tenacity he has faced all others. He is a wonderful man and we small group of author/friends, have enormous respect for him. Thank you.

  • December 11, 2013
    Ken Blowers

    Thank you Graham and Paul Slater – my nephew.

    I’m going to do my best to contact you both via email soon.


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