This is the very first time I have EVER advertised a product, but it’s not so much about a product really. More about a particular bloke. His name is Nitin Mistry. When I retired from full time work in the media industry I wanted to just write books and ghostwrite for other people. One of the biggest problems I had producing a good, neat product that would be quickly and easily accepted by Kindle (gee those people can be difficult with ebook errors!) And have a product that was easily and quickly able to be uploaded to all those other sites that require particular and often difficult formats, it was a steep learning curve. I tried all the so-called ‘easy’ things like Createspace, and Scrivener etc. It was all just messy and I’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to preparing an ebook for a client. My own books are mostly novels and don’t require too many images, but a lot of my clients wanted illustrations for their children’s books, or memoirs.
I spent a long time searching around for something that would fulfill all my needs in a single product. I came across UEC, which stands for The Ultimate Ebook Creator. I was cynical. Cynicism has been my lifesaver many a time over my almost 70 years of existence in this world. I composed an email to Nitin Mistry. Amazingly I had a reply within an hour. Hmmm! I thought, the product just sounded too good to be true having used all those other rather miserable ebook creators.
Well, bugger it, I thought, it’s only $67 and I’ve spent a heck of a lot more trying to get books formatted and converted from clients manuscripts. I really needed something that would work for me without all the toing and froing trying to get a professional looking book. I kept emailing Nitin and always got a reply within an hour or two with links to the videos and help stuff. Nitin fascinated me. He sounded like a decent type of bloke, but you know, in this industry the shark tank is pretty chock full of click/spam and I was still cynical.
I’ve been using UEC now for four+ years and there has not been a single occasion over that time when Nitin has not replied to my many questions within a few hours, and with such clarity and professionalism that is entirely missing with most other products. Have you ever tried to get an answer from Amazon about Createspace? and suddenly found that there are a bunch of extra pay for stuff that ends up costing you a heap of extra money?
When I first bought UEC Nitin Mistry became much more than a guy who had made a brilliantly simple book creator. He actually emails his clients personally to ask how he can make his product better… and he listens and acts on what you tell him. I found it hard to believe that when you buy the Ultimate Ebook Creator, it’s yours totally, absolutely and without any gotchas or catches. When Nitin makes changes or improvements he emails immediately and tells you. If you find a bug and send him a message, he personally acknowledges and ALWAYS fixes it in a timely manner and then lets you know. I have never had a relationship with a product creator who is so dedicated that he actually sends emails to thank you for helping him to make UEC better.
Not being a pirate wanting everything for free I once asked him if I could send a copy to my writing partner so she could work with me. The email I got back was that I owned the product and could use it on any computer and that the price I had paid included TWO, one of which I could send to Dora with no problem. Not only that, but I can use the UEC on any computer I have at home, and that has been a huge relief for me because I have several offices I use at home plus my notebook that I carry with me.
Now let’s talk about updates. Over the four years I have been using UEC it has had a lot of amazing additions and improvements. All of them free with no strings and no charge.
Yes, I’m telling you about this amazing product for writers, but really this post is about a man unlike so many I have had any online relationship with. Nitin Mistry has shown himself consistently to be an honourable, decent, and dedicated software designer. I’m not going to go in to all the truly remarkable things you can do with UEC because all that is explained on his website and through his many videos. Every video has Nitin personally walking you through every step to help you to get the best out of his amazing product.
When I first started using The Ultimate Ebook Creator, I used to type directly into its built in word processor, but quickly found that my documents can be pasted directly from Word (or Openoffice) which I prefer, and it formats perfectly. These days I can format an ebook in all the required formats literally in a minute or two. I’ve never had a single piece rejected by Amazon, Nook, or any other ebook seller. The fact of The Ultimate Ebook Creator is simply that it works, and it works simply.
I’ve never met Nitin Mistry, (who I believe lives in Canada) but I do feel that I know him. I know that his wife writes lots and lots of books, (mainly cookery and crafts I think). When I sent Dora, my writing partner, her copy of the product I worried that she might be nervous about using it. She is not terribly good at ‘computer thingys’. She messaged me on facebook that within an hour she had formatted and PUBLISHED TO AMAZON her new book called PICKING UP PEAS WITH CHOPSTICKS. And what a great job she did!
If you would like to see a complete novel created within UEC just go have a look at my new novel THE GIRL FROM KOSOVO. It’s a long novel in excess of 400 pages. Click on the Look Inside feature and check it out. All made with UEC.
So, I guess this is an advertisement for a product but more truly speaking it is about a man too. His name is Nitin Mistry and he is genuinely a top bloke, and I can say that having never met him in the real world.
Now the last note on this post is that YES if you buy The Ultimate Ebook Creator I will get a commission from the sale if you mention my name or if you link your purchase to this post. Frankly, that is not important to me. I would tell you about UEC anyway because there is not a single product like it out there anywhere. There are lots of “free” stuff but honestly you need a degree to figure out how to use them properly, (and they rarely actually work out). UEC saves hours or even weeks of rejections from websites because of formatting. It is right first time every time. Lots of people use Createspace for their kindle stuff, but if you want a decent job done, in the end it costs, and it keeps costing.
Nitin, if you are reading this thank you for making my life so much easier. I am a writer not a book creator, and you Nitin have made a product that makes me proud to have someone like you to help we who write, and to help us to actually begin to make our money quickly and without all the fussiness that goes with formatting and publishing. If there was an award for people like Nitin Mistry I would be one of the first to add my vote. I don’t have a photo of Nitin Mistry but I do have a link to his page here. I do believe that UEC has become his personal baby and I do think he is very very proud of his product. That is what makes him so good at what he does. He has a special talent and that talent is to help writers to be the best they can be. So he created a product that allows us too to be the best we can be.
I am really grateful to the owner of this website who has
shared this enormous paragraph at at this place.