The Merlin Falcon kills an egg-snatcher. A single act of defiance that intertwines the Falcon’s fate with many others, as Grandfather Crow seeks revenge.
Fending off starvation, the Merlin Falcon and his mate make a desperate bid for new territory. It’s dangerously close to the Stone Forest, and the realm of the egg snatchers. Indiscriminate killers, friends with none, the crows are bent on revenge. The small Merlin has the heart of an Eagle, but he cannot stand against them alone.
The Old Man may be an ally – he hates the crows too. He finds solace in nature, but the Merlin is a bird of prey and threatens the birdlife that visits his property.
Others are affected by the Merlin’s defiance. The vengeful Grandfather Crow maims a Chickadee and gives the tiny bird a terrible choice. Find and betray the Merlin Falcon or every bird in his grove will die.
It will be a murder of crows.
#Comments (2)
Love the cover art below, will have to download it. Would love your feedback on some of my material
Happy to have a look Scott. Being a writer seems to ensure that we are readers too lol!