Need some evil doing? Well, ficketty feck, you’ve come to the right place.
Amura is an evil witch. She hates mornings, and school, and the basketball captain, and that annoying Susan girl, and even that hot guy, Master (especially him). Oh, and in her spare time she tries to cook up a bit of pestilence to unleash on the human race.
She would have been quite happy quietly doing wrong, but then a threat to the covens quickly escalates into a threat to all life on Earth. To save herself, Amura must save the world. Of course, being a hero isn’t really a dark witch thing, nor is saving life. She’s already in trouble with the coven – how will her sisters view this latest twist of fate? And if they knew whom she was sleeping with, well, that would be it, she’d be for the knife. Life has become a bit difficult, to say the least, but Amura will just have to suck it up and kill anything that gets in her way.
This is Book 1 of “The Dark Witch” series. If you enjoy this, check out Book 2: “The Dark Witch and the Ruby Slippers”