When I was a novice and trying to move away from traditional publishing I made so many errors that I began to question the wisdom my actions. The internet was growing, companies like Amazon were beginning, and there was a lot of noise about Amazon and self-publishing. I very quickly learnt that for me Createspace was not going to be an option. I use my own programme to create ebooks and print books.  The Ultimate Ebook Convertor. 

Since I began, all those years ago, Amazon has turned into a form of Ebay, and they are frankly, a mess. Authors no longer get a good deal from publishing with Amazon. That is not all. The scammers came out of the woodwork and began to offer “publishing services” at ridiculous and usurious prices.

I was one of the fortunate ones who found Angela Hoy, and her company BOOKLOCKER quite early on. I have stayed with them ever since. I hope, in the near future they may even begin to deal in the latest big-selling audiobooks.

Well, this is deliberately not a long post. It is simply to say THANK YOU to Angela Hoy, and to the entire crew at Booklocker for their magnificent service over these past six or seven years. They give me some measure of security. Something others, and that includes Amazon, do not.

If YOU want to publish through Booklocker, just visit their website for a quick look and then get in contact with them. I can promise you that although there is some cost, it is minimal compared to just about everyone else.  Angela is a staunch defender of author’s rights, and often writes articles about authors and writing. I might make a mention of the fact that if you write anything for Booklocker and it is accepted by them, they  WILL PAY for your work. Yes folk, you got it right! Booklocker DOES pay for good articles.

Come and see them here, and send a query letter to them along with a piece of your Mss. Be aware though that Booklocker does not publish work they think is inferior. While they will be happy to help you to polish and work your book, not everyone gets to have their book produced by them. That is one of the reasons Booklocker authors STAY with Booklocker and rarely stray far away from home.

This is where you will find a huge number of books for just about every taste. I have not listed them one by one due to a lack of space. I can highly recommend them and if you would like to purchase a copy of my last novel THE GIRL FROM KOSOVO this is the place to buy it. (Note: I also publish in hardback at very reasonable prices!) You can buy a HARDBACK FOR ONLY $31. Try getting a good quality hardback on Amazon for that price! 

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